History Guides
Here you will find some handy history guides for you to download and take with you on your visit to Brownsea Island. With one for children and families, and another aimed at adults, there should be something for everyone. Please let me know what you think of the guides when you have used them by filling in my Feedback Survey above. Enjoy!
The Guides
Click to Download
Top Tip: When printing the guides, print double sided and make sure to click 'Flip on short edge' in order to print like a booklet!
Childrens History Guide
This guide is aimed at children and families for their visit to the island. It features a map highlighting places on the island of historical interest, helps them to understand what Brownsea used to be like and has questions for children to answer when they find each place on the map. Answers to the questions can be found further down this page.
History Guide (Adults)
This handy history guide will teach you about the island's history on your visit by helping you to imagine what the island used to be like and what happened where and when. Like the children's guide, it features a map highlighting some of the points of historical interest as you make your way around the island. It also features a crossword to test your knowledge at the end!
Hover over the image of each guide to reveal the answers
Childrens History Guide
1. Candles
2. Any berries that can be grown in England. Eg. Strawberries, Raspberries, Gooseberries, Blackberries etc.
3. Mary
4. Pipes, Chimney Pots or Bricks
5. 1st-9th August 1907
6. Yellow
7. Blue and Red
8. 2